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Running the Model


from geoEpic import Site, EpicModel

# initialise a site object
site = Site(opc = './continuous_corn.OPC',  # management file
            dly = './1123455.DLY',          # daily weather file 
            sol = './Andisol.SOL',          # soil file
            sit = './1.SIT')                # site file

# initialise the EPIC model
model = EpicModel(path = './model/EPIC2301dt20230820')
model.setup(start_year = 2014, duration = 10)
model.set_output_types(['ACY', 'DGN'])

# run the simulation for the site

# get the required outputs
acy = model.outputs['ACY']

Loading from config files:

site = Site.from_config(lat = , lon = , config = './config.yml')
model = EpicModel.from_config(config = './config.yml')

Example config file:

# Model details
EPICModel: ./model/EPIC2301dt20230820
start_year: 1995
duration: 25
  - ACY  # Annual Crop data file
  - DGN  # Daily general output file
log_dir: ./log
output_dir: ./output

  • To edit the OPC, SOL or files in the epic model folder, you could use the epic_editor. the following command will copy the epiceditor in to your current folder.
>> geo-epic workspace add epic_editor