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Commands Available


Geo-Epic allows you to run various commands. The structure is as show below:

geo-epic {module} {func} -options
example usage:
geo-epic workspace new -w Test

List of Modules and Functions:


  • new: Create a new workspace with a template structure.
  • prepare: Prepare the input files using config file.
  • run: Execute the simulations.
  • post_process: Process Output files from simulation runs.


  • ee:
  • windspeed:
  • download_daily: Download daily weather data.
  • daily2monthly: Convert daily weather data to monthly.


  • usda:
  • isirc:
  • process_gdb: Process ssurgo gdb file.


  • process_foi: Process fields of interest file. (TODO)
  • generate: Generate site files from processed data.

For more details on each command and its options, use:

geo-epic {module} {func} --help